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Behavior Expectations

Behavior Expectations

Hallway Expectations

 Volume 0

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will walk on the right side of the hallway.
● Students will keep their hands and feet to themselves.

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will know where they are headed and take the shortest route.

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will have a hallway pass when in the hallway without supervision.

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will be respectful when they walk by other classrooms.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be
● Students will follow all school rules while at Rondo School of Discovery.

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will walk with their class in a straight line.

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● Students will greet adults with a handshake or high five.


Playground Expectations

Volume 2-3

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will only play school approved games.
● Students will follow school rules.
● Students will freeze and walk to their line when recess is

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will return all equipment to the storage room.

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will use the restroom and get drinks BEFORE they play.

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will play with school issued equipment and not bring items from home.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood”:
● Students will listen to adult directions.
● Students will use kind words and apologize during conflict.

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will report any problems they notice in the
● Students will play fairly, take turns and include everyone.
● Students will keep their hands and feet to themselves

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● Students will use recess time to exercise, relax and have fun.


 Office Expectations

Volume Level 1

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will enter and exit quietly and orderly through the main office door (not the Staff Workroom door).
● Students will walk up to the counter for help.

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will come with a Health Office pass or staff sanctioned reason for being there.

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will remain quiet (voice level 0) and respectful while waiting for help.

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will respectfully answer questions when asked giving detailed information.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood”:
● Students will wait for an adult to be free and address them in a respectful manner.
● Students will use a volume 0 unless directed by an adult.

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will leave the office clean and organized.

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● Students will thank the person for the help they received.


STEAM Lab Expectations

Volume Level 1

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will enter and exit quietly and orderly.
● Students will be productive with their STEAM Lab time.
● Students will handle materials with care.

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will silently work on the computer or get their

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will not bring food or drink into the STEAM Lab.

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will take care of the equipment and resources.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be
● Students will follow directions.
● Students will use a volume 0 unless directed by an

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will leave their area clean and organized.

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● Students will use their time to explore, discover, and


Library Expectations

Volume Level 1

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will enter and exit quietly and orderly.
● Students will be productive with their library time.
● Students will put books back where they go.

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will silently search for their books or work on the computer.

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will not bring food or drink into the library.

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will take care of the books and equipment.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood”:
● Students will follow directions.
● Students will use a volume 0 unless directed by an adult.

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will leave their area clean and organized.

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● Students will listen attentively to the Read Aloud.


Restroom Expectations

Volume Level 1

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will be quick.
● Students will be quiet and respectful.

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will enter the bathroom with a clear and appropriate purpose.

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will flush the toilet before they leave stall.
● Students will throw paper towels in the trash cans.

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will keep the restroom clean at all times.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood”:
● Students will listen and follow directions given by adults. Students will give privacy to others.
● Students will wait patiently for their turn.

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will report any problems they notice in the bathroom.

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● Students will wash their hands with soap and water.


Lunch Area Expectations

Volume level 1-2

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will keep all food items and wrappers on their tray.
● Students will clean up their own area.
● Students will be respectful.

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will know if they are buying or bringing before they enter the lunch area.

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will eat and clean up before they play.

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will stay at their assigned lunch tables until they are excused by a staff member.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood”:
● Students will listen and follow directions given by adults.

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will work together to maintain a clean table.

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● Students will eat healthy to feel good.


Dismissal Expectations

Volume Level 2

Habit 1 “Be Proactive”:
● Students will walk on the right side of the sidewalk
● Students will keep their hands and feet to themselves.
● Students will NOT stand on benches or short walls.

Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind”:
● Students will know where they are headed and take the shortest route.
● Students will stay put at their assigned spot and keep their backpacks on.

Habit 3 “Put First Things First”:
● Students will pay attention, face the parking lot, and look for their approaching ride or parent if walking .

Habit 4 “Think Win-Win”:
● Students will be respectful and walk to the end of the car line to wait for their ride.

Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood”:
● Students will follow the instructions of the adults supervising dismissal.

Habit 6 “Synergize”:
● Students will follow these guidelines and work together to safely and quickly leave the campus.

Habit 7 “Sharpen the Saw”:
● After dismissal, students should spend time on their body, mind, heart, and soul.
● to exercise, relax and have fun.

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