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Rondo Cell Phone & Wearable Technology



Rondo Cell Phone & Wearable Technology Guidelines Technology changes at a rapid pace, and with the added benefits technology brings, devices may lead to problems. Unfortunately, cell phones, Smartwatches, and text messaging create a new set of challenges for classroom teachers and schools. Students use text messaging for harmless notes and contacting parents at work, but they have also used it to tease and harass other students and pull dangerous pranks.

 In general, electronic signaling devices such as cell phones and smartwatches distract students from instruction and learning and therefore are not to be activated during instructional time; students are to practice “Habit 1: Being Proactive”. When they are activated during instructional time, they interfere with students’ academics, face-to-face social time, and may even cause unforeseen problems and privacy violations. Technology at Rondo is used for instructional purposes only at the teacher’s discretion.

When parents and guardians need to reach their student(s), they are to call the office of Rondo School of Discovery at 951-736-8251.

As with all electronic devices, the school cannot be held responsible if items are lost, damaged, or stolen. Cell phones should be kept secure until the end of the instructional day. Cell Phones must remain turned off during the school day and kept in the classroom in your child's backpack at all times. Smartwatches may be worn during the school day and only to be used to communicate with parents in the event of an emergency. If a student needs to contact a parent or guardian, he/she will be given permission to use the school phone in the front office. Violations of this policy may result in student discipline, which includes:

1. First offense: Confiscation of cell phones or other electronic devices and returned to the student at the end of the school day.

2. Second offense: Confiscation of cell phones or other electronic devices until a parent can pick them up at the end of the school day. Updated: Sep 22, 2023 Dr. Roni MacDonald, Jeff Bohrer

3. Third and final offense: Confiscation of cell phones or other electronic devices and loss of the privilege of bringing personal electronic devices on campus.

Please make sure to follow “Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind” to practice responsible use of technology. Please practice “Habit 6: Synergize” and speak directly with an administrator should you have any questions or concerns about this policy. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we continue to work together for student success!

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