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The 4 Disciplines of Execution

The 4 Disciplines of Execution


The 4 Disciplines of Execution


Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important

Students write a WIG (Wildly Important Goal) to go from where they are to where they want to be in a certain timeframe.

Discipline 2: Act on Lead Measures

Students identify the behaviors that they need to do every day to help them reach their goal. This is the action step in our goal setting culture.

Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard

Students track two pieces of vital information in their leadership notebook. First, students track progress towards their goal on a chart that often looks like a bar graph. Second, and perhaps more importantly, students track on a calendar their daily completion of Lead Measures.

Discipline 4: Create a Cadence of Accountability

Students often share their leadership notebook with others, teachers, admin, other students...anyone. Sharing is a way to keep ourselves accountable. If I share my Lead Measure calendar with you and there are no indications that I've done any daily lead measures, then I am more inclined to recommit myself to doing the things daily I need to do to reach my goals.



The 4 Disciplines of Execution


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